Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Book Shots

I'm a big fan of James Patterson, in case you can't tell by this photo. And there are more Patterson books all over my apartment. Now, that includes books from the "Book Shots" collection, too.

I love Book Shots for so many reasons. Two of them are that nobody can say anymore that they don't have the time or money to read. (They're only about 4 bucks.)* With Alex Cross, for example, I didn't have to wait a whole year for the next book. It's a little fix -- or shot, if you will -- right when I start getting antsy waiting for the next one.

The only problem is that because they're a different size than other books, I may have to buy another bookshelf. Ah, book nerd problems.

James Patterson's Book Shots style=

*The library, people!


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